Tuesday, March 2, 2021

WordPress Tips


WordPress Tips

WordPress Is On Growth Hormones!

The most recent stats show that 40% of websites on the internet are WordPress websites! That’s a huge growth spurt just since 2016. WordPress is available in 57 languages with English being the most popular at 71%. Currently there are over 47,000 plugins available for use with WordPress. 661 new WordPress websites get built every day. It’s the fastest growing platform for 8 years running. Follow these WordPress Tips to make the most of this great website platform.

Since 2003

WordPress has been around since 2003 and has undergone many revisions. It remains a free and open source platform, based on PHP and SQL. Originally designed as a blogging platform, it has evolved into a solid CMS and website development tool. But… is it right for you? Let’s dive in and take a closer look.


Just about anything you want to do with a website can be done using WordPress. Versatility? You bet. Who uses WordPress? How about the Chicago Sun-Times, AMC, Mercedes-Benz, Time, The Rolling Stones, Beyonce, The Walt Disney Company and tons more well recognized names.


WordPress has a lot going for it. It’s grown steadily in popularity since its’ inception. In fact, WordPress is the framework behind almost 30% of the websites on the internet. On the flip side, its’ popularity makes it a huge target for hackers. Out of the box, WordPress has a few vulnerabilities that can be exploited fairly easily by the hacker community. You can improve the odds in your favor by applying a few of these WordPress Tips to your WordPress installation.

Admin Account: Change your admin account to something other than “admin”. One of the first things hackers try is to login to your WordPress site using the standard admin user account.

Login URL: One of the first things we do on a new WordPress installation is to change the login URL. Hackers running a brute force attack will go to wp-login to try and login to your site. Renaming wp-login defeats one of their main entryways to hacking your site. There are several plugins you can use to rename your wp-login url or you can change it in your code.

Strong Passwords: Always, always use strong passwords. Password bots can make easy work of weak passwords, resulting in a hacked site, data compromise or worse.

WordPress Security: Install a security plugin. There are several good ones that are free and they work! Depending on the situation we use WordFence, iThemes Security, or Sucuri Security and sometimes a combination.

Backups: Absolute necessity. We have had great luck using UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore. We like storing the backups off-site and Dropbox works great as a backup storage solution.

Spam: Spam is everywhere it seems. Turning off the ability for users to comment on posts cuts down on the spam on WordPress. For situations where comments are needed, we make sure comments require admin approval. We see a lot of Spam and malicious activity that originates from outside of the United States. Here’s one of our WordPress Tips that has saved us more than once. Unless your website actually needs to be accessible to foreign countries, you should consider shutting off access to your website from foreign visitors. One of the best ways to do this is to use Cloudflare. You can set up a free account on Cloudflare and use their firewall rules to block access from Non-U.S. IP addressed.

Akismet Anti-Spam helps keep spam off your site as well. You can read more about Web Design and WordPress on our home page. If you find your website has become a victim of hackers you might want to visit our Website Support page.

We hope these WordPress Tips have helped you with your website. If you have questions, please Contact Us and we’ll be happy to help.

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