How Technology Advancements Have Changed Our Lives

From mobile phones to email to text messaging, the way people communicate has drastically changed. With this change, comes a massive shift in the way businesses operate.
Adapt or be Left Behind
So what can we take away from this? Well, in today’s world, it is absolutely imperative that businesses adapt and adjust to the ever-changing world of technology. When it comes to communication, technology has made it easier than ever to reach out to someone and inquire about a product or service. This allows businesses to respond quicker, and it keeps customers satisfied with the quality of service that they receive. Even if we don't have a smart phone, we can still find ourselves on the Internet thanks to an incredible network of Wi-Fi hotspots. It's not that long ago that we relied on landlines, faxes, and snail mail for the bulk of our communication needs. Now, we're always connected and online at the same time.The Internet
Technology has affected all areas of our lives, but none as profoundly as the Internet. We have an incredible amount of access to information at our fingertips thanks to the Internet. With technology advancing every day, we have so much information at our disposal that we have to take a deep breath and slow down sometimes. There is hardly an aspect of our life where we are not impacted by technological developments. The technological advancements in society have occurred throughout health, communication, work and entertainment, and the changes brought about by technology are significant. While many people are concerned with the advances made by technology, there are those who embrace them and find great benefit in the many ways in which technology helps us. There is also a part of the population who are confused and stifled by technology.Medical Technology Advancements
Civil War battlefield physicians routinely sawed off injured limbs. Today we marvel at artificial legs and arms and even wearable robotic hands. And a few years from now, we may be looking back at surgical robots as a primitive form of technology.
Instantaneous Information
Not only have technology advancements changed the way we communicate with each other, but it has given us an abundance of information at our fingertips. We no longer have to go through countless papers and books to find the information we are looking for.Just Google It!
Now, we can access information right from our devices. As a result of this, we’re able to get more done with less effort. Have a question? Need to know something? Easy - just Google it! That has become a common phrase around our house. It’s also impacted the way we market ourselves and how we sell our products. In today’s market, it’s easier than ever before to reach a lot of people with the right message. The challenge is that most people don’t want to hear what you have to say, which is why you need to show them first. Technology advancements have made the buying process easier and more accessible, yet it hasn’t eliminated the sales process itself. In fact, sales processes continue to evolve with the advances in technology. This means that businesses must continue to invest in the sales process to keep up with the times.Our Top Ten Picks
Here are our picks for the Top 10 technology advancements in the last 100 years.
These technology advancement examples have most likely touched your life.- The Radio: The first invention that came along after the printing press. It took about 25 years to get the radio to the point where you could hear it without earphones.
- Television: The television is considered the first true mass medium. It allowed people to sit at home and watch something at the same time.
- The Telephone: The telephone was the first time people could speak to someone else who was far away. The telephone revolutionized society and business.
- The Computer: When the first computers were invented in the 1940s, they were very large, expensive, and only useful for big businesses and universities. By the 1970s, they became smaller, cheaper, and more useful.
- The Internet: In the mid-1990s, the Internet became the world's biggest computer. Before that, it was just used by scientists. It changed the way we live, communicate, and interact.
- The Personal Computer: The first personal computer (PC) was invented in 1951. The early PCs were big and bulky, but they quickly got smaller and more powerful.
- The Mobile Phone: The mobile phone, which is smaller than a credit card, is now so widespread that almost everyone has one. The mobile phone has made communication between people easier and more accessible.
- The GPS: A few decades ago, the GPS system was used by pilots and sailors. Now, anyone can use it to find their way around. This is a huge benefit for car and motorcycle riders, hikers, and bicyclists.
- The Electric Toothbrush: The electric toothbrush was introduced in 1881. This invention led to the dental revolution. The first electric toothbrushes were made from copper and were incredibly expensive. They could only be used once or twice a week and were hard to use. Today, electric toothbrushes are the most popular and affordable oral hygiene device.
- The Mobile App: Apps have been a huge benefit to consumers because they can be used on a wide variety of devices. People can download apps from the App Store on their phones, tablets, and even on the internet. Apps are an easy way to stay connected with people you care about.
Original post here: 10 Great Technology Advancements
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